2009年6月10日 星期三


以2日都好似心不在言,唔知咩事,個心去左令一個地方,基本上呢都無咩影響既,但一去到舒適堡就出事,成日拎小左件3......咁無3就死死地氣去向p記借啦.都好既係佢地十分之有禮貌,好地地唔記得左,ok la.但弟2日又係咁,又借過,借一次10文野,2次20啦又,好地地無左20文,點唔知咩事.弟3次又拎小左,今次仲要.....唉..

以幾日都好累,累到自己返到屋企食完野之後無晒力練琴....練一陣就想訓,好累好累,可能以一排成日去gym,無停過,所以先會令到自己既琴學極都唔好,所以一定要轉下個gym planning,一定要學好個琴先!!

以幾日都係到聽歌,不停搵歌聽,因為以排好中意聽vuk(VIOLET UK)既新電影主題曲--ROSA--



Feeling the wind blowing from the sea
Caressing my skin with its breath
To trace my memories carved in the sand
I'd be crawling at the bottom of the oceam

Kiss me softly in the daydream
Love's undressing the sky of suicide-blue
Embrace its beauty lost in the stream
The stream of the clouds still blinding my eyes

Will you wipe my tears if you are the rain
Will you dry my face if you are the wind
That's swaying roses, spreading the red
Into the sky that'll veil and close my eyes
I still see your smile.

I feel so lonely without your love
I bury myself in the sea of the dark side

When I become the wind,I'll fly across the sky
And whisper the scream
Into the seam between two worlds
The one we breathe and the one we dream
When the love turns into ashes
Will it survive with all its senses
Or will it die before its life ever lives
Still feeling the earth beneath my feet
Letting the world suck my soul
I feel so dirty to believe in
Believe in myself and a phantom of the new sky

Will you wipe my tears if you are the rain
Will you dry my face if you are the wind
That's swaying roses,spreading the red
Into the sky that'll veil and close my eyes
But I still see your smile


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